16 May - 15 June 2022
My core practice is drawing. I have drawn a lot since I remember. More and more as time passes, it has become intertwined with my life. I have done a number of zines, collaborations, propaganda, shows; etc. and even a graphic novel in 2019. More recently, I have been invited to do documentation of conversations or assemblies through drawing. I also try to pursue a career as a visual artist, where drawing is a protagonist of my artistic innuendos. In a sense, it's my parallel life, my doppelganger, the one line that runs away from me just to come back always as a twisted mirror. Drawing is my dearest accomplice, in the sense of crime. It is a plant, too, if you know what I mean. I can say honestly that I trust my drawing (I would never say the same about painting!), but trusting it is never giving it for granted:, weird, sacred, passionate dialectics.
I draw a lot collectively, and actually collective drawing through cooperativa crater invertido imaginative explorations is what I would name as one of the spinal structures that support this ongoing multifaceted personality(ies) that i am in the becoming of a certain identity, at least through drawing, it may always navigate without end.
There is so much about drawing I would like to speak about, write about, laugh about. I mostly just like to draw on different surfaces, alone, with others and even unconsciously... While drawing, I speak, I write, I dance, even. I do choreography with drawing when it comes out into the graffiti-play. In space, my body is also a line that moves and leaves marks and traces of its gestural movement; with drawing I become an abstract text.
What could drawing a city mean? A city in itself is a big enormous drawing. A system-drawing, an animated diagram; a city is always a lived representation of itself. A crossed territory with real and fictitious borders. How does my body move through the city? How do I document the ways, the styles, forms and ideas of how I, we move in, through, across, beyond the city? What are the politics behind the traces we leave behind as we exist?
In the most post-situationist spirit I want to invite you to walk through the urban spaces: to wander somehow, somewhere in the city, for a while, and then make some images-texts out of it. How could we draw alone or together this experience? Or - atravesar- durch- the body of the drawer, and the spectator?
The first gathering is on Thursday, 26th of May where interested participants gather to self organize a series of situations and exercises in order to publish a zine. That day we agree upon 2 days of workshops; walks; situations; conversations in the intention to study the city using drawing as an imaginative not necessarily descriptive tool. Drawing as an open practice; through drawing we document our experience in the city of Hannover. Together we assemble a series of contributions; not all participants must be part of the editorialization group. If a printed matter result is desired there is the intention to go to Kassel to print the fanzine on the Kassel Lumbung Interlocal ecosystem.. the zine will be presented in the context of the residency-show.
The workshop was a cooperation between Niki Residency and Meta Copy.
contintental fundamentals primitive tires
jazael olguin zapata
Thu-Sat, 9.-11.06.2022, 17:00-22:00
at Weißenburgstraße 2a, Hannover
results of drawing the city workshop
Signatur und Reduktion
von Rahel Grothus und Harald Hinz
Do, 09.06.2022, 19:00
at Weißenburgstraße 2a, Hannover
In Ihrem Vortrag werden Harald Hinz und Rahel Grothus den Begriff der Signatur beschreiben, der sich unter anderem auf das New York-Writing bezieht und noch breiter gefasst werden kann. Die Idee der Signatur ist ein Überbau und eine allgemeine Erklärung für eine Bildwerkanalyse, in der wir es mit Schrift zu tun haben. Von verschiedenen Stilen wird schließlich eine Brücke zur Demontage der Signatur geschaffen, bis hin zum Logo und darüber hinaus. Aus dieser Analyse lässt sich das Phänomen der Reduktion im Writing ableiten. Um die Thesen zu stützen werden die beiden Vortragenden eine Reihe von Bildwerken beschreiben, vergleichen und gemeinsam ein Fazit ziehen.
photo credit: Thomas Von Wittich @ Paris, January 2020