Sean Roy Parker is a visual artist, writer and gardener based at The Field, an experimental rural arts residency and co-living project near Ilkeston, Derbyshire.
Roy practises slow, low-tech crafts and food preservation with consumer waste and natural abundances, and shares extensively through labour exchange, favours and artswaps. In his ongoing project Fermental Health he writes about and leads workshops on the lifecycle of materials, complexities of interspecies responsibility, and collaborative problem-solving through the lens of food justice.
He is impatiently anticipating the post-capitalist transition.
His writing has been published in WeedsFeed by Sandra Kosorotova for Publics, Helsinki (Finland), Tender Order by Jade Monserrat for TOMA, Southend (UK), and Sorgen, Falten, Sammeln, for Kunstverein Lüneburg (Germany). He has delivered public research projects on fermenting with microbes for Liverpool Biennial (UK), anarchist solidarity with peasant farmers in Valencia at Pols (Spain), and was most recently artist-gardener at Kreenholm Plants in Narva (Estonia). Roy was a Wysing Arts Centre Resident 2023–24, and is working towards his first poetry collection, In Digestion, due for publication spring 2024 with Monitor Books (London).
On Saturday, May 4, 11:00 am, Roy will lead an accessible circular route from the residency, bring attention to common wild plants and their historical uses as food, medicine and tools. After arriving at the Niki apartment, he and Max Weinland (Kunstverein Lüneburg) will prepare a vegetarian lunch inspired by these species. Note: parts of the route maybe off-road so please wear appropriate footwear. Roy will then share a selection of texts on his intimate relationship with the beyond-human, including essays from his Fermental Health newsletter and upcoming debut poetry collection »In Digestion« out soon with Monitor Books, London.
Up to 15 people can join, please sign up in advance until Friday, May 3rd via E-Mail to or via Instagram. Participation is free!
Photo: Lucy Rose Shaftain-Fenner